Following are the steps I used
Step 1: Configurations at IIS side
Add custom fields as shown below
Step 2: Create a table in SQL Server database with following columns
Step 3: Construct following PowerShell scripts
a. RemoveLogs.ps1 - This will remove existing logs in working directory and clean up for new logs
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Import-Module Pscx -EA 0
function RemoveLogFiles
Write-Host "Removing log files..."
Remove-Item ($httpLogPath1)
function Main
[string] $httpLogPath1 = "E:\TempLogs\*.log"
Write-Host -Fore Green "Successfully removed log files."
b. CopyLogs.ps1 - This will copy Logs from IIS log file location to our logs directory. I'm copying everything created during last two days
$Date = Get-Date
$Date = $Date.adddays(-2)
$Date2Str = $Date.ToString("yyyMMdd")
$Files1 = gci "\\IIS-01\LogFiles\W3SVC4"
ForEach ($File in $Files1){
$FileDate = $File.creationtime
$CTDate2Str = $FileDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")
if ($CTDate2Str -eq $Date2Str) {Copy-Item $File.Fullname "E:\TempLogs"}
c. CopyLogsToDB.ps1 - This will import logs to our SQL Server database table
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Import-Module Pscx -EA 0
function ImportLogFilesServer(
[string] $httpLogPath)
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($httpLogPath) -eq $true)
Throw "The log path must be specified."
[string] $logParser = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}" `
+ "\Log Parser 2.2\LogParser.exe "
[string] $query = `
[string] $query = `
+ " LogFilename" `
+ ", RowNumber" `
+ ", TO_TIMESTAMP(date, time) AS EntryTime" `
+ ", s-ip AS ServerIpAddress" `
+ ", cs-method AS Method" `
+ ", cs-uri-stem AS UriStem" `
+ ", cs-uri-query AS UriQuery" `
+ ", s-port AS Port" `
+ ", username AS Username" `
+ ", c-ip AS ClientIpAddress" `
+ ", cs(User-Agent) AS UserAgent" `
+ ", pageurl AS Referrer" `
+ ", sc-status AS HttpStatus" `
+ ", sc-substatus AS HttpSubstatus" `
+ ", sc-win32-status AS Win32Status" `
+ ", time-taken AS TimeTaken" `
+ ", storename AS StoreName" `
+ " INTO IISLog" `
+ " FROM $httpLogPath"
[string] $connectionString = "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};" `
+ "Server=DB-01;Database=IISLogs;Trusted_Connection=yes;"
[string[]] $parameters = @()
$parameters += $query
$parameters += "-i:W3C"
$parameters += "-e:-1"
$parameters += "-o:SQL"
$parameters += "-createTable:ON"
$parameters += "-oConnString:$connectionString"
Write-Debug "Parameters: $parameters"
Write-Host "Importing log files to database..."
& $logParser $parameters
function Main
[string] $httpLogPath = "E:\TempLogs\*.log"
ImportLogFilesServer $httpLogPath
#Repeat above for all other server
Write-Host -Fore Green "Successfully imported log files."
Step 4: Apply a schedule using Task Scheduler
This will upload latest logs including custom fields to SQL Server database.
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