Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Interact with the cache using Azure Cache for Redis - Redis Console

Azure Cache for Redis proves immensely valuable for optimizing response times by caching data, thereby mitigating latency. Utilizing this service enables significant enhancements in performance.

You can interact with your Redis cluster redis-cli by installing required tools in your client workstation.

Alternatively, Azure offers a convenient solution directly within the Azure portal: the Redis Console. Accessible through the Console menu, this integrated feature provides a user-friendly interface for streamlined management of your Redis cache.

Within Redis Console, you can interact with your redis cluster using redis-cli commands. Following are some examples

scan 0 //Get current keys

GET hello //Get value for a specific key

HGETALL userprofile //Get value for a specific key where the value is a collection, object

Overall, the experience with Redis console is seamless.

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