Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Resolving the error: The directory currently selected differs from this key vault's directory

Recently after a migration, I could see a warning message in one of my Azure Key Vaults. It says,

The directory <Logged in directory> currently selected differs from this key vault's directory. Some actions will be disabled. Click for more details

If you can see, the directory name is empty. And the directory id is also different. We need to map the Key Vault to the correct tenant. How can we do it?

It is very easy. Use Azure Cloud Shell and execute following statements.

az account set --subscription "Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription"
$tenantId=$(az account show --query tenantId)                               
az keyvault update -n  --remove Properties.accessPolicies 
az keyvault update -n  --set Properties.tenantId=$tenantId

This resolved the issue.

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