Thursday, December 16, 2021
LB Cash In Mobile (CIM) awarded the Silver for Best Business Model Innovation at FITIS digital excellence awards
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Azure Policy : How I managed to comply ISO 27001:2013 for my cloud workloads
We can have many resources in our cloud. How can we enforce compliance and governance out there?
Let's say that we are already compliant with ISO 27001:2013 for our on-premises workloads. How can we achieve it after the cloud migration?
Or how can we stay compliant if we have a hybrid setup?
If your cloud provider is Microsoft Azure, then you are lucky. You can use the features of Azure Policy to save you.
Azure Policy is a service provided by Microsoft Azure, where you can assign individual policies or initiative (collection of policies) to a targeted scope (e.g. Subscription) to ensure they are governed according to those policies.
Let's try out by creating an initiative. Luckily we have ISO27001:2013 as a built-in initiative
Let's see the result.
In order to check the level of compliance, navigate to the initiative and click on View compliance link.
This was my initial score. Lot to improve, isn't it :)
As you can see below, we can see a summary of compliance split into following areas
- Controls
- Policies
- Non-compliant resources
- Events
Let's see a sample control.
Let's take the Password management system control
Now we know the current position. It's time to do some housekeeping to make our tenant compliant
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Azure Durable Functions with retry options and retry operations
This is the third post of a serious of articles on Azure Functions/Durable functions. This is the continuation of my previous post on Durable Functions.
- Posting data to Azure Function using HTTP trigger with .NET 6
- Azure Durable Functions to implement function chaining with custom data
- Azure Durable Functions with retry options and retry operations
In this post we will discuss how we handle failures, specifically retry operations with Durable Functions.
Ability to handle failures is a key benefit that Durable Functions offer us. It is implemented using features of Durable Task Framework.
In order to illustrate retry operations we use the same example we used in previous article. Let's say saving contact details in CRM system is a heavy process and it is not under our control. Let's say it is a SaaS platform provided by a vendor. It can fail due to various reasons like
- Network related failures
- Planned/unplanned downtimes of the SaaS platform
- etc..
var retryOptions = new RetryOptions(System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), 3)
Handle = ex => ex.Message.Contains("Network Error")
public static async Task RunOrchestrator(
[OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
Customer customer = context.GetInput();
int customerId = await context.CallActivityAsync("DurableCustomer_AddToSQL", customer);
var retryOptions = new RetryOptions(System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), 3)
Handle = ex => ex.Message.Contains("Network Error")
int returnId = await context.CallActivityWithRetryAsync("DurableCustomer_AddCRM",retryOptions,customerId);
return returnId;
public static int AddToCRM([ActivityTrigger] int customerId, ILogger log)
//insert to CRM
int returnId = customerId * 10; //return code from CRM insert
throw new System.Exception("Network Error");
//return returnId;
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Azure Durable Functions to implement function chaining with custom data
This is the second post of a serious of articles on Azure Functions/Durable functions. This is a continuation on my previous post on Azure Functions.
- Insert customer name to Azure SQL instance
- Generate auto increment id in Azure SQL
- Insert customer contact in external CRM with auto increment customer id
- First of all it is violating the Single Responsibility concept.
- We should not start CRM insertion part until the SQL insertion is completed. So some sort of statefulness is required.
- How can we ensure the durability and consistency. Let's say External CRM fails, what can we do for the entire transaction.
- Client Function (trigger)
- Orchestrator Function
- Activity Function
public static int AddToSQL([ActivityTrigger] Customer customer, ILogger log)
//insert to SQL logic
int customerId =; //should be populated with the reusult
return customerId;
public static int AddToCRM([ActivityTrigger] int customerId, ILogger log)
//insert to CRM
int returnId = customerId * 10; //return code from CRM insert
return returnId;
public static async Task RunOrchestrator(
[OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
Customer customer = context.GetInput();
int customerId = await context.CallActivityAsync("DurableCustomer_AddToSQL", customer);
int returnId = await context.CallActivityAsync("DurableCustomer_AddCRM", customerId);
return returnId;
public static async Task HttpStart(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post")] HttpRequestMessage req,
[DurableClient] IDurableOrchestrationClient starter,
ILogger log)
// Function input comes from the request content.
var customer = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync();
string instanceId = await starter.StartNewAsync("DurableCustomer", customer);
log.LogInformation($"Started orchestration with ID = '{instanceId}'.");
return starter.CreateCheckStatusResponse(req, instanceId);
Step 8: Get the StatusQueryGetUri to check the status
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Posting data to Azure Function using HTTP trigger with .NET 6
Serverless computing was out there for a long time. Microsoft Azure had adapted the concept with Azure Functions, Logic Apps and Event Grids.
We can use Azure Functions for event driven workloads with short lived processes. That means there should be a trigger that will initiate the function. For an example,
- Blog is added to your container
- Timer tick
- New item added to queue
- HTTP request
- etc..
This is the first post of a serious of articles on Azure Functions/Durable functions.
- Posting data to Azure Function using HTTP trigger with .NET 6
- Azure Durable Functions to implement function chaining with custom data
- Azure Durable Functions with retry options and retry operations
In this post I'll guide how to respond to HTTP post request with an Azure Function.
By the way shouldn't I be using a RESTful Web API in Azure Web App instead of Azure Function?
That can also be an option. But let's think about it's usage. If we have a small and well defined and short lived component, what's the harm of using a function. And I'll extend this article into another blog post to illustrate some cool features Azure Functions can bring to the table.
Let's start the journey
Step 1: Create Azure Function App in Azure portal. I use .Net as the runtime and 6 as the version
Step 2: Open the VSCode in your directory and install following extensions if you had not already installed
Step 3: Let's navigate to Azure section and login to your subscription. Then click on the Azure Function App we just created. You can see the Function App
Step 4: Let's add our first Function there. Press F1 key and select Azure Functions: Create Function option
Step 5: This is the generated code with the scaffolding
namespace Company.Function
public static class CustomerTrigger
public static async Task Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
string name = req.Query["name"];
string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);
name = name ?? data?.name;
string responseMessage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)
? "This HTTP triggered function executed successfully. Pass a name in the query string or in the request body for a personalized response."
: $"Hello, {name}. This HTTP triggered function executed successfully.";
return new OkObjectResult(responseMessage);
Step 6: Let's add another class called Customer
Step 7: Let's modify the Function a bit now
public static class CustomerTrigger { [FunctionName("CustomerTrigger")] public static async Task
Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log) { string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync(); Customer customer = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject (requestBody); return new OkObjectResult(; } } Step 8: Let's deploy the function to our Function App
Step 9: Great!! our function is deployed now. Let's get the URL
Step 10: Let's try this with Postman
Great!! Our sample is working perfectly !!
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Resolve error: Creation of System Topic has failed with error: The subscription is not registered to use namespace 'Microsoft.EventGrid'. See for how to register subscriptions. Event Subscription will not be created.
Recently I got the above error when creating an Event Grid subscription
Following are the steps I used to resolve the error
Using Azure Cloud Shell execute following commands
- az account set --subscription "Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription"
- az provider register --namespace Microsoft.EventGrid
- az provider show -n Microsoft.EventGrid
Monday, November 15, 2021
Azure Application Insights - Smart Detection - Identify suspicious user activity
Now we can detect suspicious user activity using Azure Application Insights.
You need to navigate to Application Insights and click on Smart Detection. It will show potential security and performance issues.
We can click on the Suspicious user activity detected (preview) card to obtain more information on the issue.
Then click on the Suspicious user activity link.
It'll show malicious users who accessed the system from multiple locations at the same time.
If we want we can construct an Alert Rule to notify an authority at a particular time
Furthermore we can see all requests from malicious users. For that you need to click on All requests from the most suspicious user link
You can modify the value for user_AuthenticatedId parameter to see what other users had accessed
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Resolve - Microsoft 365 Compliance - Sorry we couldn't update your organizational settings. Please try again
When I navigated to Microsoft 365 compliance center to enable audit I encountered following error
Seems that there is a throttling enabled. I waited few minutes and it was successful after few attempts. I didn't need to do anything extra.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Azure Advisor : Your assistant in Cloud
You can have multiple workloads in your cloud. When time goes on you might find it difficult to manually check each and every resource. Most of the time Cloud housekeeping is neglected.
May be your resources are not provisioned with the best practices. Or may be you have security vulnerabilities. Furthermore your resources are not right sized, causing your cost to go up.
Azure Advisor is the centralized service which scans each and every workload and recommend you with best practices to optimize.
You get recommendations on following categories
- Cost
- Security
- Reliability
- Operational excellence
- Performance
Let's first check on Cost section
As you can see I have two high impact recommendations
Let's first check the quick fix
This VM is not being used at all. We can shut down the VM and reduce our cost.
Let's check Security section
We have multiple security vulnerabilities there
Let's see Reliability findings
It'll show the improvements I can introduce to improve the reliability
Let's find out performance suggestions
Following are some suggestions
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Azure Privileged Identity Management (PIM) to grant Just in Time (JIT) access to resources
We always want to follow the least privilege security principle when granting permissions. Is role based access control alone sufficient to achieve this?
There are several challenges
- If permission given indefinitely without an expiry, it will cause a risk
- Such users may leave the organization
- Projects may end
- Having higher permission without a need at the moment is also a risk
- Credentials can be compromised at any moment
- You may do mistakes with higher permissions
Lat's take Contoso, which is a Financial organization which has its workloads in Microsoft Azure. John is a systems engineer who works in the same organization. Time to time the business requires to build new VM workloads and to modify existing VM resources. John should not have permanent contribute access due to prevailing audit and compliance requirements. What would be the solution?What we can do is to use PIM, and assign John as eligible for VM Contribute role. As per this solution John will not have permanent access to the resource. Whenever he needs the access, John would navigate to PIM console and requests for the desired access. He might be asked to provide a strong authentication (MFA) and approval might also be required. After the granted time window is elapsed his elevated privilege will be revoked.