Friday, January 22, 2010

Facebook Typeahead Input

The new fbml version which is 1.1 has included an Ajax Typeahead object as a FBML tag. So it is not necessary to create our own javascript to implement the typeahead object. You can implement the feature using a code like this

   1: <fb:fbml version="1.1">
2:Service Provider :<fb:typeahead-input name="serviceProvider" autocomplete="off" >
   3:     <fb:typeahead-option value="mob" >Mobitel</fb:typeahead-option>
   4:     <fb:typeahead-option value="dia" >Dialog</fb:typeahead-option>
   5:     <fb:typeahead-option value="tig" >Tigo</fb:typeahead-option>
   6:     <fb:typeahead-option value="hut" >Hutch</fb:typeahead-option>
   7:   </fb:typeahead-input>
   8: </fb:fbml>

After adding above code, the resulting input element will be like this


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