Following is a code sample to add SharePoint App to a Site,using a feature receiver. In order to do the task, you should upload the app to the app catalog
private static string IntallApp(Guid currentSiteId)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(currentSiteId))
if (null == site.WebApplication.Properties["AppCatalogUrl"])
return string.Empty;
//get app catelog url from web application property
var appCatalogSiteUrl = site.WebApplication.Properties["AppCatalogUrl"].ToString();
using (SPSite siteApp = new SPSite(appCatalogSiteUrl))
using (SPWeb webApp = siteApp.RootWeb)
SPList appList = webApp.Lists.TryGetList("Apps For SharePoint");
SPQuery query = new SPQuery
Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\"Title\" /><Value Type=\"Text\">MyApp</Value></Eq></Where>"
var items = appList.GetItems(query);
if (null != items && items.Count >= 1)
SPListItem appCatalogItem = items[0];
Guid appProductId = new Guid(appCatalogItem["AppProductID"].ToString());
using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
IList<SPAppInstance> existingInstances = web.GetAppInstancesByProductId(appProductId);
if (existingInstances.Count > 0) throw new Exception("App is already installed in the target web");
//Get the permission XML
var appPermissionXml = appCatalogItem["AppPermissionXML"].ToString();
//read the client Id from the Permission XML
var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlDoc.LoadXml(string.Format("<Approot>{0}</Approot>", appPermissionXml));
var root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
var clientIdNode = root.SelectSingleNode("//@ClientId");
//load the client id, title and stream
var clientId = clientIdNode.InnerText;
var appItemTitle = appCatalogItem.Title;
var appPackageStream = appCatalogItem.File.OpenBinaryStream();
//load the principal manager
SPAppPrincipalManager manager = SPAppPrincipalManager.GetManager(web);
//Check if the app principal is registered in this farm using client ID
SPAppPrincipal appPrincipal = manager.LookupAppPrincipal(SPAppPrincipalIdentityProvider.External, SPAppPrincipalName.CreateFromAppPrincipalIdentifier(clientId));
//if the principal not found then add
if (appPrincipal == null)
//end points can be blank
List<string> endpoints = new List<string>();
//app key
SecureString secureString = new SecureString();
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
SPAppPrincipalCredential credential = SPAppPrincipalCredential.CreateFromSymmetricKey(secureString, now, now);
//create external parameters
SPExternalAppPrincipalCreationParameters sPExternalAppPrincipalCreationParameters = new SPExternalAppPrincipalCreationParameters(clientId, appItemTitle, endpoints, credential);
sPExternalAppPrincipalCreationParameters.SkipExternalDirectoryRegistration = false;
//register the principal
appPrincipal = manager.CreateAppPrincipal(sPExternalAppPrincipalCreationParameters);
//load it install in the target web
SPAppInstance appInstance = web.LoadAndInstallApp(appPackageStream);
//Trust the app
SPAppPrincipalPermissionsManager sPAppPrincipalPermissionsManager = new SPAppPrincipalPermissionsManager(web);
sPAppPrincipalPermissionsManager.AddAppPrincipalToWeb(appPrincipal, SPAppPrincipalPermissionKind.FullControl);
return appInstance.Id.ToString();
return string.Empty;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;