Saturday, February 20, 2016

Prepare a SharePoint 2013 site for PowerPivot workbooks

Following are the steps I use to configure a SharePoint 2013 site to work with PowerPivot workbooks

Activate following site collection features



As a result Business Data webparts will appear in webparts collection


Create a Data Connection Library and add BISM content types


Configure Excel Services service application settings






That’s all we have to do. Now you can upload your workbooks.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Programmatically upload SharePoint app to a Site collection using feature receiver

Following is a code sample to add SharePoint App to a Site,using a feature receiver. In order to do the task, you should upload the app to the app catalog

private static string IntallApp(Guid currentSiteId)
        using (SPSite site = new SPSite(currentSiteId))
            if (null == site.WebApplication.Properties["AppCatalogUrl"])
                return string.Empty;

            //get app catelog url from web application property
            var appCatalogSiteUrl = site.WebApplication.Properties["AppCatalogUrl"].ToString();
            using (SPSite siteApp = new SPSite(appCatalogSiteUrl))
                using (SPWeb webApp = siteApp.RootWeb)
                    SPList appList = webApp.Lists.TryGetList("Apps For SharePoint");
                    SPQuery query = new SPQuery
                        Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\"Title\" /><Value Type=\"Text\">MyApp</Value></Eq></Where>"

                    var items = appList.GetItems(query);
                    if (null != items && items.Count >= 1)
                        SPListItem appCatalogItem = items[0];

                        Guid appProductId = new Guid(appCatalogItem["AppProductID"].ToString());
                        using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
                            IList<SPAppInstance> existingInstances = web.GetAppInstancesByProductId(appProductId);

                            if (existingInstances.Count > 0) throw new Exception("App is already installed in the target web");

                            //Get the permission XML
                            var appPermissionXml = appCatalogItem["AppPermissionXML"].ToString();

                            //read the client Id from the Permission XML
                            var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                            xmlDoc.LoadXml(string.Format("<Approot>{0}</Approot>", appPermissionXml));
                            var root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
                            var clientIdNode = root.SelectSingleNode("//@ClientId");

                            //load the client id, title and stream
                            var clientId = clientIdNode.InnerText;
                            var appItemTitle = appCatalogItem.Title;
                            var appPackageStream = appCatalogItem.File.OpenBinaryStream();

                            //load the principal manager
                            SPAppPrincipalManager manager = SPAppPrincipalManager.GetManager(web);
                            //Check if the app principal is registered in this farm using client ID
                            SPAppPrincipal appPrincipal = manager.LookupAppPrincipal(SPAppPrincipalIdentityProvider.External, SPAppPrincipalName.CreateFromAppPrincipalIdentifier(clientId));
                            //if the principal not found then add
                            if (appPrincipal == null)
                                //end points  can be blank
                                List<string> endpoints = new List<string>();

                                //app  key
                                SecureString secureString = new SecureString();
                                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                                SPAppPrincipalCredential credential = SPAppPrincipalCredential.CreateFromSymmetricKey(secureString, now, now);

                                //create external parameters
                                SPExternalAppPrincipalCreationParameters sPExternalAppPrincipalCreationParameters = new SPExternalAppPrincipalCreationParameters(clientId, appItemTitle, endpoints, credential);
                                sPExternalAppPrincipalCreationParameters.SkipExternalDirectoryRegistration = false;

                                //register the principal
                                appPrincipal = manager.CreateAppPrincipal(sPExternalAppPrincipalCreationParameters);
                            //load it install in the target web
                            SPAppInstance appInstance = web.LoadAndInstallApp(appPackageStream);

                            //Trust the app
                            SPAppPrincipalPermissionsManager sPAppPrincipalPermissionsManager = new SPAppPrincipalPermissionsManager(web);
                            sPAppPrincipalPermissionsManager.AddAppPrincipalToWeb(appPrincipal, SPAppPrincipalPermissionKind.FullControl);

                            return appInstance.Id.ToString();
                        return string.Empty;
    catch (Exception ex)
        throw ex;